Saturday, September 26, 2020

Do Somerset Conservatives Care About You?


By Ben Shread © MoD/Crown Copyright -, OGL 3,
Jacob Rees-Mogg (Con)
MP for North East Somerset*

Somerset Independents was formed because residents feel that the Westminster parties let them down - Liberal Democrats, Greens, Labour and the Conservatives.

This article looks at the Somerset Conservatives.

Do their councillors and MPs care about you?

We provide just some of the evidence here that they do not care about you. There is plenty more.

Photographed above is Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP for North East Somerset and Leader of the House of Commons.

To Somerset residents, Mr Rees-Mogg epitomises the Conservative Party: plummy-mouthed, rich, privileged and out-of-touch. 

Mr Rees-Mogg's comments about the Grenfell Disaster in 2019 and more recently, about Covid-19 testing, show how out-of-touch he is. But also, his offensive comments show he does not care about us residents. 

Mr Rees-Mogg's actions and comments mirror the Conservatives during the Thatcher/Major years. For example - during another Conservative-administered public health disaster - BSE/vCJD when 30 years ago, like now, they totally failed to protect the public and endangered their own children as well as the rest of us. 

As it was then for Conservative Minister John Gummer trying to get his daughter to eat the burger, it is now for Jacob Rees-Mogg having to self-isolate from Covid-19 after sending his own children back to (privately-funded) school and gloating about how they want and "need" to go back.

Just like the current failing Johnson Government now, the 1990 Conservative Government claimed they were relying on "the scientists". But people died from vCJD. And tens of thousands have died from Covid-19. 

Thousands could have been saved if the Government had cared enough, and had been competent. But it still is not competent and still does not care. The evidence is all around - just look at the second wave of Coronavirus and their serial and repeated failures such as testing, tracing, PPE, care home infections and much more.

Millions, billions probably, have been spent by the Conservative Party and their friends, to launder the image of the Conservative Party.

Despite this, Mr Rees-Mogg shows that all those billions spent in public relations (PR) cannot remove the stains of corruption, self-interest and criminality which still dog the Conservatives.  

Corruption, via the donations to the Conservative Party by people associated with the heads of state of hostile nations, as revealed on Panorama this week. And amongst many other misdeeds, corruption via questionable property developers like Richard Desmond looking to donate money to get favours from ministers like Robert Jenrick in the planning system.

As long as the Conservatives get power and keep power, they are prepared to be corrupt.

Because they do not care about Somerset residents.

Self-interest, because Mr Rees-Mogg and so many Conservative councillors and MPs appear to be working for themselves and the party instead of constituents, which sadly is typical for an MP. Residents of Somerset tell us that their Conservative MPs do not reply to them, or help them - Rebecca Pow and David Warburton being two examples.

When Somerset Independents took this up, we approached the Chief Whip Mark Spencer as to why Mr Warburton does not reply to constituents. The Chief Whip sent this letter:

Does this show that the Conservatives care? No it does not.

Then "Save British Farming" campaigners suggested that we contacted the local Conservative associations. We asked Conservative County Councillor Clare Paul whether she could help us. She did not even respond.

Councillor Clare Paul Did Not Respond

And when a South Somerset Conservative Councillor, Councillor Linda Vijeh, who is also Leader of the Conservative Group, tells a virtual public meeting that "I don't give a ****", it sums up what people feel about the Conservatives.

That whether it is MP, District Councillor or County Councillor, the Conservatives do not care about you.

Criminality, when we learn of a former Conservative MP, Charlie Elphicke, who has been sent to prison for two years for sexual assault.

Opaque business dealings, when we learn that a Somerset MP and former Somerset County councillor failed to properly declare his interests, breaking the MPs Code of Conduct and then tried to obstruct the investigation into why. Marcus Fysh was later forced to make a public apology in the House of Commons.

And failing to encourage openness, when we learn that Conservative councillors do not approve of the Somerset Independents campaign for criminal records checks (DBS) - despite being given multiple occasions to do so. 

They opposed checks despite the former Liberal Democrat Leader of South Somerset District Council, Ric Pallister, who is awaiting his trial. We pass no comment on his guilt or otherwise, as the case is still to be heard in court. But we argue elsewhere on this website that such checks are needed.

Conservative councillors opposed these checks despite the fact that councillors elsewhere have been found guilty of serious criminal offences. 

Somerset Conservative councillors have been shown to not have declared their interests, whilst other councillors have submitted financial party returns late.

Corruption, acting in self-interest, criminality, lacking in openness, and failing to declare their real interests or intentions.

These are the hallmarks of the Conservative Party in 2020.

Perhaps once, the Conservative Party stood for some shared values and principles.

Perhaps once, it was true that you knew where you stood with the Conservative Party, whether you agreed with them or not.

Perhaps once, you could rely on a Conservative Government to protect you and Conservative councillors to listen and act on your concerns.

If that was the case, it is not now.

The Westminster Conservatives do not protect you.

They are all in the same party. 

The Somerset Conservatives do not care about you either.

In the list of priorities, Somerset residents come a long way down the list.

Conservative councillors and MPs put themselves, their self-interest and their party first.

Too many MPs are London's representatives in Somerset, not Somerset's representative in London.

Too many councillors are the Conservatives representatives in your local area, not your representative on the Council.

So what is the answer?

Leader of Somerset Independents Andrew Pope says:

"Somerset Independents puts residents first. 

We listen to you and act on your concerns.

We do not have the millions of pounds that the Conservatives get from donors. We are volunteers and rely on funding from local residents.

But we do have you on our side. Because we are residents just like you.

Join us to stand up for Somerset and its residents."

Putting Residents First


* Image: Ben Shread (c) Crown Copyright via Wikipedia

Friday, September 18, 2020

Covid-19: Protecting Somerset Residents


Protecting Somerset Residents

Somerset Independents was formed to protect residents. And that is what we have done.

We were formed during the Covid-19/Coronavirus Global Pandemic because we were appalled at the way that Central Government and Local Government had failed.

Somerset's Members of Parliament and councillors from the Westminster parties - Lib Dems, Tories, Labour, Greens - have let our County down for so long. It was vital that they did not let this carry on during a National Emergency.

But they did let us down.

So what has Somerset Independents done about it? Below are just some of the actions that we have taken. There are many more - have a look around our website, our Facebook and Twitter.

Where we have seen positive work, we have praised it. And where we have seen threats to Somerset residents, we have challenged them.


Glastonbury Festival

On Glastonbury Festival, which if it had gone ahead would have been a major threat to the health of Somerset residents. Somerset Independents asked questions on Covid-19/Coronavirus on behalf of local residents and Festival goers. We got closer to the truth than what was said by the Festival organisers and the local authorities. Somerset Independents is continuing to encourage closer dialogue for the 2021 Festival and whether it goes ahead. In the last couple of days, we have had confirmation from Trudi Grant, Somerset's Director of Public Health that talks are ongoing. Our articles on our work are are available on this link here - scroll down to see them all.


WestFest 2020

On WestFest 2020 at Bath and West Showground. This was another mass event that threatened public health in Somerset. We challenged the local authority, Liberal Democrat-led Mendip District Council, on whether this mass event should go ahead. It was planned for October but we have had confirmation from the Council that it has been cancelled.


Schools and Education At Home or Online

On Schools - months ago, we challenged Tory-led Somerset County Council over whether it was taking the right steps to protect children, parents, school staff and the wider community. We challenged the supposed Lib Dem "opposition" at the County, and we challenged the so-called "scrutiny" of the Tories' Administration as our Leader told them that their opposition was "pathetic". From our enquiries, Somerset Independents revealed that only 6% of children went back in June, when the Government was not forcing children back to school. But now they are forcing parents to send children back. And it is very clear that it is putting people at risk, when safer options such as online learning, rota attendance at school and home education are available. Please click on this link here to see our work - scroll down to see them all.


These are just three areas where we have acted to protect Somerset residents. There are many more - have a look around our website for what we have done.

Leader of Somerset Independents Andrew Pope says:

"Join us to help us to do more.

Get in touch.

Tell us what you think.

Somerset Independents listens and acts on what is important to Somerset residents.

Because Somerset Independents ARE Somerset residents."

Protecting Somerset Residents

It's Official! We Are Somerset's Own Political Party


One of our Official emblems


We've done it! It's official!

Somerset Independents has been authorised by the official Regulator of political parties, the Electoral Commission.

Now officially the Leader of Somerset Independents, Andrew Pope says:

"We would have preferred to stay as a pressure group, but the abject failure of Liberal Democrat, Labour, Green and Conservative councillors to represent Somerset residents meant that we need to do this for the good of Somerset.

The Westminster parties inability to listen to Somerset residents has been particularly disappointing during the Covid-19 crisis. Instead of focussing on what matters during an emergency, they are pursuing unnecessary changes to our councils.

They ignore the hundreds of thousands of residents who voted in 2007 to not have a unitary authority replace our councils. By 82%, they voted then to say NO.

Instead, councillors of these Westminster parties carried on with imposing these changes and did not act on our repeated requests for a Referendum of Somerset residents via a public poll. 

Councils did a poll in 2007, so they could do it by post or online now. We have even done almost all of the work for the councils including getting a quote for the poll from Civica, who did the poll in 2007, when they were Electoral Reform Services.

All we got from councillors of the Westminster parties were excuses, denials and dithering. They don't want to listen to residents!

Because those councillors did not act, and because of their failures to listen to Somerset residents, we felt that we had no option but to register Somerset Independents as a political party and to challenge them at the elections.

Now Somerset has its own political party."

Denise Wyatt, now the official Nominations Officer for Somerset Independents, who will approve the Party's candidates, said:

"Being an official party means that we will be able to stand Somerset Independents candidates at district and county elections.

We formed Somerset Independents because Somerset has been let down by the Westminster parties, especially the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, for too long.

Residents are still not being listened to. Their concerns are not being acted on.

Somerset Independents listens to residents and stands up for them and with them.

We are providing a local democratic alternative to the Westminster parties who do the dirty work for their masters in London, instead of serving Somerset residents.

We will be announcing council election candidates in the near future."

Somerset Independents' Constitution has also been authorised by the Electoral Commission. It states the aims of the Party as:

"The protection of Somerset’s residents.
The protection and promotion of democracy in all its forms.
The conservation of the environment and wildlife.
The promotion of the County of Somerset and protection of its interests and history."

The Commission has also approved the Party's emblems and our financial arrangements. Andrew Pope says:

"We are Somerset residents who are volunteering our time and our own money to listen to and work with other residents.

We do not have the millions that the Westminster parties have, so we are very grateful to our supporters.

We as residents are donating our own money and time to protect Somerset from the failing Westminster party councillors and MPs. They put themselves and their parties first and Somerset residents last.

Somerset Independents puts residents first.

Join Somerset's own political party to celebrate Somerset's past, protect Somerset's present and prepare Somerset for the future."

The Somerset Independents Party can be contacted via Twitter @SomerInds, via Facebook at the Somerset Independents page and via email at somerinds [at]

Thursday, September 10, 2020

CAMPAIGN: Modern Committee System - Somerset Independents' Democratic Alternative


Standing Up For Democracy

UPDATE (14th April 2021): Now that the district councils have finally agreed to our campaign of a Referendum on the future of the councils in Somerset, we are campaigning for whatever comes next to Somerset to be a Modern Committee System (MCS). 

An MCS has been proposed for years in Sheffield by our inspirational friends in the "It's Our City" campaigners in Sheffield. It is now being proposed in a Referendum in Sheffield. More details are here on the Sheffield City Council website

Somerset Independents says that any Referendum in Somerset must include a no change option and this MCS option. 

Over the next two days, we will ask all four district councils to change the Referendum to include an MCS. We will also ask them to do the Referendum when it is safe to do so, and when it allows a proper campaign to be done, so that the public can make an informed decision:

  • Sedgemoor District Council today, with Denise Wyatt speaking at Full Council at 2.30pm today
  • South Somerset District Council tomorrow morning at their Cabinet meeting, with Andrew Pope speaking. The Full Council meeting clashes with the Mendip one, so Andrew has asked for his speech to be read out at the Full Council.
  • Somerset West and Taunton District Council tomorrow afternoon at 4pm, with Denise Wyatt speaking there - except they do not seem to want to allow her to speak, unlike the other districts - so her speech will be read out by an officer
  • Mendip District Council at 6.30pm tomorrow evening

Leader of Somerset Independents Andrew Pope says today:

Andrew Pope

"We at Somerset Independents tried to get the district and county councils to properly listen to Somerset's residents. But they did not want to listen. So now we think they should be abolished - all 5 of them. 
What comes next must be a Modern Committee System and we will continue our campaign for it, which we started last year."



10/9/2020: At tonight's Special South Somerset District Council meeting, the Leader of Somerset Independents spoke to ask councillors to amend the report before them to add a Referendum and a Modern Committee System.

His speech is below.

"Good Evening everybody. My name is Andrew Pope and I am the Leader of the Somerset Independents pressure group. When I last spoke at your Full Council, I asked you to support a Referendum on any changes to how Somerset residents are governed.

Tonight, I am asking you to amend the report to include a Referendum and a Committee System. I was pleased that some councillors such as Tony Lock and Adam Dance spoke in support of a Referendum. But at Somerset Independents, we want action as well as warm words. And to our knowledge, no councillors have taken action to support a Referendum.

Worse than that, district councillors have allowed a falsehood to be promulgated by Stronger Somerset – that a vote cannot take place due to the Coronavirus Act. That is not the case.

It was done at the request of the districts in 2007. And in 2007, 82% of residents in a turnout over 200,000 voted AGAINST a unitary. And it needs to be done again, now.

Somerset residents need to be given the opportunity to express their opinion on any and all proposals, and especially so when neither the Stronger Somerset unitary proposal nor the One Somerset unitary proposal, was suggsested by ordinary residents of our County. It was politicians that came up with these bad ideas.

There is no mandate for a unitary authority. Residents haven’t changed their minds since 2007.

You have to convince the public and have them vote. May I suggest that it is unlikely that you will be able to convince them. Which is why you don’t want a vote, but sham consultations instead!

But you HAVE TO HAVE A VOTE. And Somerset Independents has done the work for you. I have a statement from Civica, who used to be Electoral Reform Services, that says they will do it for the district councils. They’ve even provided us with a quote of £312,000. You have to do this!

Somerset Independents does not want to make you have a Referendum by getting the Verification Number of petitioners under the 2011 Regulations. You will then legally HAVE to have a Referendum!


But Somerset Independents does not just want to criticise BOTH undemocratic unitary proposals. We have an alternative, and the Regulations allow a better alternative, and a Referendum too!

So we urge you to commit to change to a Modern Committee System, one that allows ALL councillors to make decisions, not 9 or 10 under the current undemocratic Cabinet system. They are doing it in Sheffield, they have the petition numbers. They’ve done it in other councils. Do it here!

The Committee System is more democratic, so whether it is the current councils or any successor councils, we hope that you will agree with Somerset Independents’ proposal of a committee system.

Commit to doing it now, without being forced to by the Regulations. Residents will thank you for it. Thank you for listening. 


Please amend the report to include a poll of residents and Committee System."

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Somerset's Heritage At Risk - Lib Dems or Tory, Same Old Story


Somerset Independents was formed to protect Somerset residents. It was also formed to protect Somerset's heritage.


Yet that heritage is being put at risk.


We have taken action on Tonedale Mill in Wellington, and have put pressure on Somerset West and Taunton (SWT) Council to finally sort it out, putting a series of questions about what the current Liberal Democrat-run Council is doing with the site, including protecting people from harm. Sadly, a teenager has been injured, and the site does not seem to have made much progress from when the Conservatives ran the predecessor council.

And we have taken action on Morlands in Glastonbury, putting pressure on Mendip District Council to decisively deal with the travellers issue and to explain what they are doing to re-generate the site.

Yet both councils do not seem to want to answer our questions. Weeks ago, we asked the Cabinet member responsible at SWT, Councillor Mike Rigby, for a response. All we got was a promise of a response. Weeks later, when we have chased, SWT's "Heritage Champion", Conservative Roger Habgood, has had the courtesy to respond to us - again, we await the response. Before the Lib Dems took over the Council, Councillor Rigby was very critical of the Conservatives on this issue - but it looks like he has made no difference at all.

What have the Liberal Democrats on SWT Council and Mendip District Council got to hide?


Tell us what makes you proud of Somerset's heritage, and why you think it needs to be protected?


When do you think it is right for developers to demolish our heritage, if at all?


Why aren't these councils taking decisive action? 

Or are their powers too limited?


You can get in touch with your views via Twitter @SomerInds, via Facebook @SomerInds and via email at somerinds[at]