Tuesday, June 30, 2020

UPDATED (12/7/20): Are Schools Safe? Health Secretary Shuts Schools in Leicester

listening to you, acting for you

UPDATED (12/7/20): With the news that we reported below that the Government intends to find parents if their children do not go back to school in September, and that 94% did not go back, it is revealing that the Government is coming up with all sorts of "innovations", like "bubbles".

This proves what we have said all along, and what parents know - that it is unsafe, but that the Government want to force children back against their own will and the will of parents.

It is wrong.

So we are offering an alternative for parents to consider - home education. Here is the link to our recent article.


We listened to Somerset parents on whether they thought schools were safe for their children.

They voted with their feet. We revealed what Somerset County Council did not want parents to know.

As discovered and reported by us, 94% of children did not return to school, despite the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, wanting them to.

Deputy Leader of Somerset Independents, Denise Wyatt, says:

"The parent rebellion was massive.

We would like to say to all parents, staff and children...

...well done for humiliating the Government that has repeatedly let you down and failed to protect your children and your families."

Somerset Independents has also stood up for you against the County Council, which has just successfully prosecuted Somerset schools in court.

And we will carry on challenging Somerset councils and the Government, where residents ask us to and where we think it is the right thing to do.

But today...

Even the Health Secretary has all but admitted that schools are NOT safe.

He has decided to shut all schools in Leicester's "local lockdown".

Hapless Hancock has repeatedly insisted, as reported in articles on The Daily Telegraph, MSN and Daily Express websites, that schools are safe.

Yet he has been forced to admit that schoolchildren have been infected in Leicester.

And therefore, he has shut the schools.

Yet the Education Secretary has recently insisted that parents will be fined if they do not send their children to school in September.

Andrew Pope, Leader of Somerset Independents, says:

"Somerset Independents thinks that forcing children and parents like this would be wrong. It would also be unsafe.

Do you think your children will be safe in September?

Do you trust the Health Secretary?

Do you trust the Prime Minister?

Do you trust the Government or the Council?
Is there anything that you trust them on - the figures, the testing (which failed Leicester), the PPE, the schools, your safety? 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

UPDATE (24/7/20): Where Should Houses Be Built In Frome?

The grubby Mendip District Council Planning Board has GRANTED PERMISSION for the Sandys Hill Lane development.

At Wednesday night's virtual meeting, our Co-Founder Andrew Pope spoke up on behalf of the many Frome residents and organisations who opposed the development.

It is reported by FromeNubNews here and on SomersetLive here. Local Democracy Reporter @DanielMumby also live-tweeted from the meeting.

Co-Founder of Somerset Independents, Denise Wyatt, says:
"I observed this shameful meeting.
Despite the Council officers claiming in response to our representations that the Planning Board was 'apolitical', and that the identity of the applicants was not relevant, the vote to approve went along party lines, with all Tory councillors voting for the development, as well as Liberal Democrat members of the Cabinet.
The applicants included Tory Councillor Philip Ham, who is also Chair of Mendip's 'Scrutiny' Committee. Not much 'Scrutiny' going on there, from what Somerset Independents has seen!
Not a single Tory Councillor owned up to being friends with Councillor Ham, despite being given explicit and repeated opportunities during the meeting. When the vote was taken to refuse the development, the Vice-Chair Tory Councillor Nigel Hewitt-Cooper had taken the Chair from Councillor Damon Hooton. Hewitt-Cooper used his casting vote to back his Tory friend.
An honourable Chair would have used the vote to refuse the application. But not Nigel Hewitt-Cooper. He chose to stop the refusal using the casting vote and then to approve it!
Members of the public will not think what happened was a coincidence.
If you don't believe us, you can watch the recording of the meeting.
Mendip's grubby Planning set-up treats members of the public with disdain. I know, because I've spoken at the meeting and was promised a written response. The councillors at Mendip lack the leadership to even come up with a response - instead, after two months of chasing, I got a lame letter from an officer saying that my request for greater public involvement had been 'noted'.
This attitude towards the public pervades across Mendip District Council.
It's Frome residents and their families, wildlife, green fields and workers that will suffer.
Meanwhile, brownfield and derelict Saxonvale goes undeveloped and the proposals appear desperately and possibly, even deliberately, unpopular."


UPDATE (12/7/20): The date has been set for the second Planning Board of Mendip District Council - 22nd July, for the Sandys Hill Lane application 2019/1671/OTS.

Meanwhile, an update has been made to the Saxonvale proposals and even MORE people are objecting to this disastrous development. We ask - how can Mendip District Council have bungled this situation so badly?

The problems will delay Saxonvale even longer - as green fields are put at risk and the Council continues to receive no income from this site in its "Commercial Investment" - yes, that's right, an "investment" of public money that yields zero income - not much of an investment, is it? But that's another issue...

Now more people and organisations have lodged objections to the application.

More people and organisations have noticed the links between Conservative Councillor Philip Ham and this flawed application. This has included Frome Chamber of Commerce.

Somerset Independents Leader Andrew Pope has submitted the following objection on behalf of Somerset Independents, based on feedback from residents:

"1. The planning process relating to this issue, and actual/perceived conflicts of interest of councillors, especially those in the Conservative and Liberal Democrat political groups, and including those on the Planning Board, those who sit on the Phoenix Board and those who served with Councillor Ham (one of the applicants) in the Cabinet. This includes behaviour at the Planning Board and potential breaches of the Council's Code of Conduct and the Nolan Principles (Seven Principles of Public Life) which apply to all councillors. Other residents have observed Councillor Ham's involvement in their objections, and the conflict of interest in his business and councillor roles.
2. The delay of development at Saxonvale - a brownfield site, which could alleviate housing shortages without building on green fields, but which remains undeveloped despite promises after promises from the previous Conservative Administration and the current Liberal Democrat Minority Administration. Saxonvale should be prioritised over this application, as it is brownfield.
3. The potential for the employment use to be a "trojan horse" for housing development, as stated by Frome Chamber of Commerce in their objection letter.
4. The lack of adequate access, as commented by residents and by councillors on the Planning Boardt.
5. Disconnection with the town centre
6. Traffic and road safety problems, which are already there - as commented by residents and by councillors and as documented in the local media.
7. I and many other residents oppose development on green fields, as in Objection Note 2. This is shown in the many objections from residents and this issue has been discussed in correspondence I have had with other councillors and residents.
8. I believe that this application goes against national planning policy, local planning policy and the Frome Neighbourhood Plan. This is despite assurances to me by an officer of the Town Council that the application does respect the Neighbourhood Plan. It is interesting that the Town Council did not object, so far, to this application - and all the while, Saxonvale goes undeveloped. Why?"


Members of Somerset Independents have observed and participated in several Planning Board meetings of Mendip District Council.

An issue that has frequently come up in planning applications, and will come up again and again when we are speaking with residents, is:

Where should homes be built in Frome?


Where should they not be built in Frome?

On the whole, residents do not want green fields around Frome to be built upon. They would prefer that brownfield sites be used, such as at Saxonvale - also in Frome.

But Saxonvale lies derelict. WHY? (We will explore that issue another time...)

One such planning application

"2019/1671/OTS | Outline planning application (all matters are reserved apart from access and the main distributor road) comprising a mixed use development at land North & South of Sandys Hill Lane, Frome..."

was considered at a totally botched "virtual" Planning Board in June 2020. This was not the first botched meeting, it has to be said, but just another one.

An application came to the Board in relation to a piece of land that is associated with sitting Mendip Conservative Councillor Philip Ham.

Councillor Ham is the former Cabinet Member for Transformation. He had that role until the Tories lost political control of the Council in May 2019. He is now "Chair of the Scrutiny Board" and his register of interests can be seen on the Council website.

Councillor Ham and his business associates' development was proposing to make a great deal of money from a large development on Ham's land to the West of Frome.

From the Council's own planning website, the documents show there had been an omission in the application, because the first application form did not show that a councillor was involved.

So another application form was submitted, with this accidental/deliberate (please delete as required - we will not comment) omission resolved to show that a councillor was involved. We would like to know how this happened - please tell us if you know - we will be asking Councillor Ham directly.

As shown on the planning application form itself, Councillor Ham would be one of the beneficiaries from this proposed development to the West of Frome.

The planning application was eventually deferred, but not refused, by the Liberal Democrat*, Green and Conservative councillors on the Council's Planning Board. There was no truly "Independent" councillor* - and there appears to be no replacement to the councillor who called himself "Independent" but was not.

There was no formal recorded vote on the application at this meeting. But the application was, eventually, deferred to allow the applicants including Councillor Ham to reconsider.

As you will see from the voting record that we have obtained by viewing the meeting, all of Councillor Ham's Conservative Councillor colleagues on the Planning Board voted for the application to not be deferred. Clearly they wanted it to be approved, because if the deferment was defeated, the other option for councillors was to approve it.

None of these Conservative councillors stood down from the Board due to any conflict of interest, despite being in the same political group as Councillor Ham, and the same political party, and they all voted. How could Mendip District Council allow this? But it did.

Do you think this is right? Does it "smell" right? Would it "look right to the man on the Clapham omnibus"? We don't think so, but if you disagree, please tell us why.

So in the interests of openness and transparency, here is who voted for what. We took careful note of it and you can verify it by watching the Council's own recording.

To recap - Councillors were voting on whether to defer the application (not to refuse it), to seek further information from the applicant (let's not forget, which includes Conservative Councillor Philip Ham):

Councillor Eve Berry (Conservative) - Against deferral
Councillor Peter Goater (Liberal Democrat member of the Cabinet) - Against deferral
Councillor Francis Hayden (Green) - For deferral
Councillor Nigel Hewitt-Cooper (Conservative) - Against deferral
Councillor Edric Hobbs (he was "Independent" but since the meeting has joined the Liberal Democrats*) - For deferral
Councillor Helen Kay (Green) - For deferral
Councillor Lindsay MacDougall (Green) - For deferral
Councillor Matt Martin (Liberal Democrat) - For deferral
Councillor Mike Pullin (Conservative) - Against deferral
Councillor Heather Shearer (Liberal Democrat member of the Cabinet) - Against deferral
Councillor Laura Waters (Liberal Democrat) - For deferral
Councillor Ros Wyke (Liberal Democrat member of the Cabinet) - Abstained
Councillor Damon Hooton - did not vote as he had removed himself from the meeting, due to a conflict of interests (see Note ** below).

Totals - 12 councillors voted, 6 For deferral, 5 Against deferral (All Conservative or Liberal Democrat members of the Cabinet), 1 abstention

The deferment was carried, but no thanks to the Conservatives or Lib Dem Cabinet members.

You can see that the Conservative councillors on the Planning Board all voted against deferring the application.

Would you agree that this voting record is either highly suspicious and/or a remarkable coincidence?

And it wasn't just Conservative councillors that opposed deferral...

All full members of the Liberal Democrat Cabinet (except for the Leader of the Council) were also against deferral - all the while, brownfield land at Saxonvale goes undeveloped.Why? (Again - we will explore this another time).

Why were members of the Cabinet on the Planning Board?

Because unusually and in Somerset Independents' wide experience of planning committees in England, worryingly and amazingly for a council planning committee, members of the Cabinet - that is, the Executive members that make decisions of the Council - are allowed to sit on the Planning Board.

The Council's Constitution allows it. Mendip Council's Constitution also allows councillors of the same Party as a Councillor who owns land that is part of an application, to sit and vote on the application WITHOUT DECLARING A PREJUDICIAL INTEREST!

Do you think this is right, or is it a recipe for corruption, as has happened at the heart of the Conservative Government with Robert Jenrick in the Westferry scandal?

Somerset Independents does not believe that party politics has any place in local councils, because Westminster parties put themselves before local residents.

Many other councils do not allow Cabinet members on Planning committees, because it can bring a conflict of interest between the interests of the Executive (Cabinet) and proper due process of the planning committee.

And we saw this conflict of interest in action at this Planning Board.

During the meeting, two members of the Cabinet - Councillor Shearer and Councillor Wyke - made reference to the need to build housing.

So why haven't they ensured that brownfield land is built upon, instead of green fields as with this development?

We will explore this another time.

Serious questions remain about why the Mendip Constitution allows decisions to be made in this way.

And Somerset Independents maintains that no green fields should be built upon until all brownfield sites are used.

What do you think?



* Councillor Edric Hobbs claims to have been an "Independent" councillor but was already working with the Liberal Democrats in the Cabinet. Since that meeting, he has actually joined the Liberal Democrats.

** Councillor Damon Hooton is normally the Chair of the Planning Board. He is also a ward councillor for one of the wards affected by this proposed development. He is also an employee of Sainsbury's, as stated in his Register of Interests. Councillor Hooton withdrew from the Planning Board for this item, handing the Chair to the Vice-Chair, Conservative Councillor Nigel Hewitt-Cooper.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Who Formed Somerset Independents and Why?

Somerset Independents was co-founded by Somerset residents Andrew Pope and Denise Wyatt, during the Coronavirus Global Pandemic and National Emergency.

They saw how national Government, the NHS and local councils reacted to the crisis, and were appalled at the attacks on democracy, the jump to bureaucracy and the attacks on the rights of Somerset residents.

And they saw that the Westminster parties at Westminster and in Somerset's councils were still letting Somerset residents down, even in this time of National Emergency.

So they fought back, and with the support of Somerset residents, they fought back together to stand up for Somerset residents.

Get in touch if you want to stand up with other Somerset residents.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Council Watch: UPDATED - Who Is "In Control" of Mendip District Council?

UPDATE (15th June 2020): Councillor Edric Hobbs, elected last year as an "Independent", has joined the Liberal Democrats. But the Liberal Democrats still do not have an overall majority.

That's why it is now IMPERATIVE that Mendip District Council immediately publishes a statement of what "THE DEAL" is with other councillors, as we set out yesterday, below.

We have asked Councillor Hobbs if he would like to explain his reasoning, and how much extra allowance (public money given to councillors instead of "wages") he gets from being a Cabinet Assistant.

We will communicate any response.

Further, as we said yesterday, so-called "Independents" (more on that another time). Yes, we will be doing a piece...


At the council elections in May last year, voters removed the Conservatives out of controlling Mendip District Council.

Voters elected so-called "Independents" (more on that another time), Greens and Liberal Democrats, and voted out 22 of the 32 Tory councillors.

Whether this had anything to do with local issues, or was a spectacular anti-Somerset Tories vote, or was the result of the Tory Government's handling of Brexit, remains to be determined. It was probably some combination of all three factors.

After the election, new Council Leader, Liberal Democrat Councillor Ros Wyke, said  immediately after becoming being elected Leader by other councillors:
"nobody will be invisible and nobody will be ignored"
and that she would:
"hold developers to account"
and that under her leadership, the councillors and Council should:

……remember the people who put us here. We're public servants to the citizens of Mendip, and it's in that spirit that our work begins tonight."

Over a year on from the elections, what exactly has changed since the Conservative Administration of Mendip?

It is hard to tell, as there appears to have been little, if any, change.

How did the Liberal Democrats get to be in control of all positions in the Cabinet and Executive, when there is "No Overall Control"?

The arrangements between the Liberal Democrats and opposition councillors are as clear as mud. According to media reports, there is no "formal" coalition according to SomersetLive but LevellerLive says: "The council now in place is a LibDem administration supported by Independents." Neither of these statements really tell us the full truth of who did what deal with whom, when, and why. The public and the voters need to know.

And how did Councillor Wyke become Leader of the Council, when her party does not have a Majority?

Somerset Independents has been trying to find out. Yet finding documentary evidence of the arrangements has been difficult. The Council website and the official minutes of meetings are missing the required information.

The Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting, when the Leader was elected, are flawed.

The Minutes do not tell us how it was that Cllr Wyke became Leader - only that the Liberal Democrat group, the largest group, decided that she be Leader, and for the Council to make decisions that are not voted down by the opposition councillors.

But the numbers do not stack up.

It isn't just up to the Liberal Democrats to make this very important decision. The Lib Dems would need the support of other councillors to make Cllr Wyke the Leader, and to keep Cllr Wyke as the Leader.

As confirmed to us by Council officers, and as stated on the Council website, there are 47 councillors:
  1. 22 Liberal Democrats
  2. 10 Greens
  3. 10 Conservatives
  4. 3 Independents
  5. 2 "Other"
To have a majority, the winning line is 24 councillors. So the Liberal Democrats would need the help of 2 councillors to reliably vote with them, to have a stable Administration that can can enable the public to be served, as Cllr Wyke claimed.

Somerset Independents has been trying to find out what the arrangement is.

We have asked councillors. They were evasive.

We have asked Council officers. They did not have any notes of how it came to be - apparently their notes are destroyed once the Minutes are agreed (confirmed by a Council officer)!

So we do not know what the full arrangement is, from documentary evidence.

We can guess how it has "worked" and how it is "working", from what we have heard from Somerset residents. But we do not know for sure.

In other councils, such as East Devon and BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole), it is clear to the public that there is an agreement between those in the Administration. And like in Mendip, as in most Somerset councils, the Conservatives are now not "in control".

Yet in Mendip, there is no publicly stated agreement between those keeping the Liberal Democrat Administration propped up. The public need to know.

Bizarrely for a council, as shown in the Minutes of the "Budget" Full Council in February (how the Council spends your money - which is itself botched - more another time), even the opposition parties all voted for the budget.

Only two councillors abstained (the "Independent" Chair and Vice-Chair), and not a single councillor voted against the Liberal Democrats' Budget.

Normally, opposition councillors would vote against or abstain, or even provide an alternative Budget. Yet the Conservatives and Greens (and so-called "Independents") all voted for the Liberal Democrats budget! The Minutes show a recorded vote of how each councillor voted.

How? Why? What was the arrangement?

When we came to see how the joint Scrutiny and Cabinet councillors met, earlier in February, the Minutes of the meeting were not available. They were not available. We had to ask for them. Only then were they published on the Council website. And the minutes do not show how it was that the "arrangement" was maintained. It is unusual, to say the least.

What do they have to hide?

The public is left to wonder how and why the Lib Dems are "in control" of the Council, when they do not have the numbers.

And whether their decisions are justified, including many questionable decisions and expenditure of millions of pounds of public money - YOUR MONEY. For example, on their "Commercial Investment" risk of £25 MILLION of public money.

How can the public hold the councillors to account, when it is unclear who is making the decisions?

Please let us know if you know what the arrangements are!!!!!

Somerset Independents calls on Councillor Ros Wyke and the other parties to any agreement, to make that agreement public and in writing.

Contact us at the details here, and let us know your thoughts.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

EXPLAINER: How Did We Get Here With This Flawed Poll? Somerset Independents Call for Referendum on Council Changes

UPDATED (25th May 2021): There is a lot of commotion about misleading information being put out in the district's deeply flawed public poll that we have called a Hobson's Choice of two buckets of manure. The Tory Leader of Sedgemoor District Council Cllr Duncan McGinty says: "We have taken every measure we can to rectify the situation and hopefully the poll is still valid."
The whole push to change Somerset's councils has been undemocratic since the beginning and the districts are too late in their sudden belief in a strange version of "democracy". At this link is what we have called for all along, and below is how Somerset residents were let down by the Lib Dems and Tories.
Lib Dem or Tory, same old story. 
UPDATED (30th July 2020): We have written to all councillors on all five district and county councils, asking for their support. We have received some support, but the abject surrender by all but one of the County Councillors yesterday has driven us to say this on this new post here.

UPDATED (12th July 2020): More Liberal Democrat and Independent councillors are getting in touch to support our call for a Referendum and Citizens Assembly.

We believe that there is support from councillors in districts across Somerset for our campaign.


UPDATED (17th June 2020): SomersetLive has reported on our call here.

Councillors are already pledging their support for the Referendum.

We will work with other independents and cross-party, to achieve the Referendum.


Do we think that Somerset's councils are doing a good job? No, because that is what the people of Somerset tell us.

Do we think that Somerset's councils are value-for-money? No, because the council tax that we pay seems to be regularly wasted on bad projects like "commercial investment" that loses money and many other wrong things.

Do we think that Somerset councils need to improve? Yes, by a long way!

So the questions that arise are ... HOW? WHEN? 
Is during a National Emergency the right time? Definitely not. Yet they are carrying on proposing to spend millions of YOUR money...

So Somerset County Council Leader, the Conservative David Fothergill, wants to spend £17 million of taxpayers' money in re-organising councils to create a "unitary authority" which would also scrap the four district councils:
  1. Mendip District Council
  2. South Somerset District Council
  3. Sedgemoor District Council
  4. Somerset West and Taunton Council
Somerset already has two unitary authorities that cover some of its geography - North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset. If you are confused, you are not alone. It is a mess!

But the four district councils do not agree with Councillor Fothergill!

They do not want a single unitary authority and have issued several statements on the matter, including a joint statement.

Yet Fothergill is carrying on regardless with his plans to spend YOUR MONEY!

And judging by the attitude he displayed at the Somerset County Council Places Scrutiny meeting, and his actions on this issue, Fothergill seems to be uninterested in listening to the people of Somerset.

He confirmed at that meeting that only 125 people had been asked in each district. So a total of 500 people has been asked. You can bet that the questions were loaded in his favour. Why? Because that is how councils do "consultations". How do we know this? Because Somerset Independents have a lot of experience of different councils, going over many decades.

Let's not forget that Somerset West and Taunton is a new council, formed recently in 2019 from two previous councils. This was done against the wishes of local people. Indeed, the involvement of the public in this decision has been described as a "sham" consultation by members of Parliament.

Is Somerset County Council conducting another "sham" consultation? Well, they have already.

And Tory Councillor Fothergill is already trying to blame his Tory Government for forcing this decision on his Tory Council and that the will make the decision. Have they asked you? Are you suspicious of his motives? You should be.

Yet Councillor David Fothergill is spending your money on consultants and one of the consultants Carlton Brand confirmed the "one-off cost" of this unitary is estimated to be £17 MILLION!

Mr Brand also confirmed at that same meeting that the estimates of savings in a previous costly report by Ignite were very wrong. Ignite had previously been rapped by the Advertising Standards Authority for making false claims.

At the meeting, we demanded that the councillors present including Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Independent and Labour, support a REFERENDUM of Somerset residents before any changes are made.

That referendum must also be informed by a Citizens Assembly that would inform citizens on the options, which must include no change.

Do you agree? What do you think of having a referendum?

Tell us by contacting us with your views.

Tell Councillor Fothergill that you don't want him to spend £17 million of taxpayers money.

Tell him that you want a referendum.

His email address is:


His Twitter is:


FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions About Somerset Independents

Here are answers to questions that we are frequently asked.

FAQ1: What is Somerset Independents and What Does It Do?


FAQ2: Who Formed Somerset Independents and Why?


FAQ3: What is your email address?

A: somerinds[at]gmail.com <--- An anti-spam measure - just replace with the @ symbol to reach us. Please email us at somerinds[at]gmail.com with your contact details if you want to get in touch, need help or want to have a detailed conversation.

FAQ4: Are you on Twitter?

A: Yes, and our account is @SomerInds . We do not generally enter into discussion via Twitter, because we have found over the years that the format does not encourage proper discussion. Please email us instead at somerinds[at]gmail.com with your contact details if you want to get in touch, need help or want to have a detailed conversation.

FAQ5: What is your phone number?

A: Our mobile is 07591691543. Please leave a message with your name and contact details.

FAQ6: What do you mean by "Independent"?

A: We are independent of the Westminster parties. By Westminster parties, we mean the national political parties who have English MPs at Westminster- the Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats and Greens. We are local and we were formed by Somerset residents for Somerset residents. If you want to know why we are independent, please see the other FAQ answers and our website.

FAQ7: What has Somerset Independents done?

A: In 2020, we were new. But due to our energy and expertise, we quickly had campaign wins. Please use the tags and search facility to have a look around our website for our work and our campaign wins.

Now we are over two years old, and our campaign successes have extended beyond our early area of operations around the East of Somerset.

We now work across the entire traditional county boundaries of Somerset - North, South, East and West.
We have provided advice and won campaigns working with residents of:
  • Taunton
  • Frome
  • Wrington
  • Weston-super-Mare
  • Pilton
  • Chard
  • Ilminster
  • Yeovil
  • Crewkerne
  • Shepton Mallet
  • Mendip District Council
  • Somerset County Council
  • Sedgemoor District Council
  • Somerset West and Taunton Council
  • South Somerset District Council
  • North Somerset Council
  • Bath and North East Somerset Council
We have exposed councillors who did not pay their council tax for months or even years and forced them out of office.
We have exposed conflicts of interest and corruption in Somerset's councils.

We campaigned for a Referendum on any changes to Somerset's councils.

We have forced councils to change how they operate to be more democratic.

We have protected green spaces.
We have exposed profligate spending of councils and councillors.
And we have held councillors and MPs - those in parties and those who are independent - to account.
Our work has been reported in local media including SomersetLive, the County Gazette, on the BBC and in The Leveller. Our work has also appeared in national media including the "Rotten Boroughs" section of Private Eye.

And there is more... Just search for the word VICTORY on this website for more.

FAQ8: What is your emblem?

A: A simple logo that represents the beautiful hills of Somerset and some buildings that you may see on hills around the County.

FAQ9: Do you work with other independents?

A: Yes, we work with other independents. Please be aware that we have discovered some independents on Somerset's councils are not really independent - some are fake independents. 
Contact us to elaborate or search our website for articles that make clear what we mean. Let us know if you want to work with us.

We wish to make it clear that we currently (as at June 2022) have no Somerset Independents councillors elected.
And we have no formal agreements or links with any of the independent councillors in Somerset on the following councils:
  • Bath and North East Somerset Council
  • Mendip District Council
  • North Somerset Council
  • Sedgemoor District Council
  • Somerset County Council
  • Somerset West and Taunton District Council
  • South Somerset District Council
We have advised and worked with independent district, unitary and county councillors, town and parish councillors and community groups across the entire County of Somerset. And we've had many campaign wins by working with them.

We have, from time to time and on certain issues, worked with some of the following. But we are independent from: 
  • Portishead Independents
  • Independents for Frome
  • Future Shepton
  • Wells Independents

FAQ10: Do you ever work with the Westminster parties?

A: Not usually, no. But if there is an issue that we feel needs to be worked on cross-party and with other independents, then we will do so.

FAQ11: Are you a political party?
We started out as a campaign group and that remains our primary focus. 
In September 2020, we had notification from the Regulator, the Electoral Commission, that we were authorised as a political party. Our officers had applied to have emblems, descriptions and our Constitution approved.
And for two years, we were a registered local party, formed by Somerset residents for Somerset residents. 
In November 2022, the officers of Somerset Independents decided to de-register the Party. We applied to do so, and then had confirmation from the Electoral Commission that this de-registration had been completed.
Somerset Independents remains as a campaign group.

Contact Us

Our contact details are replicated from our FAQs. Please read the FAQs before contacting us.

FAQ3: What is your email address?

A: somerinds[at]gmail.com <--- An anti-spam measure - just replace with the @ symbol to reach us. Please email us at somerinds[at]gmail.com with your contact details if you want to get in touch, need help or want to have a detailed conversation.

FAQ4: Are you on Twitter?

A: Yes, and our account is @SomerInds . We do not enter into discussion via Twitter, because we have found over the years that the format does not encourage proper discussion. Please email us instead at somerinds[at]gmail.com with your contact details if you want to get in touch, need help or have a detailed conversation.

FAQ5: What is your phone number?

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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

UPDATE (28/6/20) REVEALED: 94% of Somerset Schoolchildren Not At School

UPDATE (28th June 2020): We challenged the Government and the Council - Was it safe to re-open schools on 1st June?

New figures that Somerset Independents has obtained from Somerset County Council suggest that parents knew that it was not safe, and chose instead to continue for their children to be educated safely at home.

We agreed with the vast majority of parents who did not want to send their children back to school. Parents were worried. Staff were worried. The general public were worried.

And we stood up for them by questioning those councillors who are supposed to protect us by standing up to the failed Conservative Government, but instead those Tory councillors like County Council Cabinet Member Councillor Faye Purbrick put their party ahead of the people and passed the buck onto schools, parents and staff.

Our Leader Andrew Pope spoke up for Somerset residents by speaking at a "virtual meeting" of "Scrutiny" at Somerset County Council.

"Good Afternoon councillors and officers and members of the public,

On schools re-opening, here are a couple of comments from parents on SomersetLive:

One parent Kristian Thomas said: “I refuse to let my children be the government’s hamsters (maybe they meant guinea pigs :-) ?). My children will not return until this virus is gone for good.”

Another parent Terrie Payne said: “I chose not to. I didn't want my child being an experiment whilst they worked out a system.”

I asked the Cabinet Member Councillor Purbrick about this. Unfortunately, she did not seem to agree that with me parents should have the right to choose about their children's safety and education.

So I ask you as scrutiny councillors:

What figures does Somerset County Council have on the number of children attending school, as a percentage of the total of school age (a) during the "lockdown" (b) after some restrictions were lifted? If no figures exist, please can they be published at the earliest opportunity, and collected weekly, so that Somerset citizens, school staff, and parents can make their own risk assessments about their safety."

The Council took their time in answering. Here is the Council's eventual answer:

"During lockdown Somerset County Council had around 2900 children attending schools and these were either vulnerable children or children of key worker, this is this is around 4% of the approx. 71,000 on Somerset school roll.  With the extended provision numbers have increased, on 15th June schools reported 11,377 children attending, 6% of roll."

Deputy Leader and Co-Founder of Somerset Independents, Denise Wyatt, said:

"So 94% of schoolchildren were not at school.
This does not surprise us at Somerset Independents, as we could not find any parent who wanted to send their child back to school.

Some key workers had to, and already had their children at school during the lockdown. The same was the case for children that the Council classify as "vulnerable children".

But it seems for those parents who did not have to, the hugely vast majority CHOSE NOT TO send their children back to school - 94%.

Why is it that the Conservative Government wanted to put our children at risk?

Why didn't the Conservative Somerset County Council stand up against the Government?
Instead of protecting our County's residents, the County Council put out an offensive press release pretending that all is fine, and that parents wanted to send their children back to school but suggesting that it was the staff's fault that there was not the "capacity".
What an insult to teachers and school staff who would be putting themselves and their families at risk!

Why did both Government and Council fail to protect us?
Because they always put their party ahead of the people, EVEN WHEN OUR SAFETY IS AT RISK.
That is why Somerset Independents always says that the Westminster parties let you down. We believe that party politics has no place in local councils.
Even in an unimaginably horrible National Emergency, they think that their party is more important than the health of children, teachers and parents."


UPDATE (2nd June 2020): It wasn't just Somerset Independents that was questioning the wisdom of the Government's decision to "re-open" schools yesterday.

Tens of thousands, if not millions, of parents across England questioned the wisdom of it.

And they refused to send their children back to school.

Well done to them!

So what about Somerset County Council? Is it protecting us?


Instead, they are passing the buck to schools, staff and parents who have been repeatedly misled by the Government.

Only three councillors of the many that we contacted at Somerset County Council bothered to respond to us. We are not going to publish their names, at least not for now, because we are grateful to at least get some kind of response. But we had to pressure them to do so.

However, we think that the response of Somerset County Council's Cabinet Member Councillor Faye Purbrick should be mentioned.

She did respond. But her response repeated the same rehearsed lines that were in the press release below. Lines that were probably written for her by Communications officers at the Council.

Her "answers" did not answer our questions anyway.

What is "Scrutiny" and Why is it Important?

So - around 15 councillors were asked by us what their views were - 3 responses were given. One was genuine and wanted to listen. Another did not answer the questions. The other was from Councillor Purbrick.

Scrutiny is supposed to hold the Executive of a Council to account.

How can a "scrutiny" panel of councillors that is supposed to hold the ruling Executive to account - claim to be doing any scrutiny at all, when only 3 councillors respond to genuine concerns from the public?

The Association of Directors of Public Health

Now, we are aware that the Association of Directors of Public Health are also concerned.

They say that the Government is "lifting too many restrictions, too quickly. " and that "a string of recent national policy announcements affecting England which project a degree of confidence that many – including ADPH members – do not think is supported by the science."

They are exposing the Government that has been telling lies about following the science.

And as we said weeks ago - children, staff and the general public are being put at risk.


UPDATE (26th May 2020): After weeks of silence, our enquiries appear to have brought a step change in activity by the County Council and its councillors.

The Council issued their update on 22nd May (see below) after our enquiries to them over the last few weeks about the Coronavirus and its impact in Somerset.

Now following our questioning of him and his councillor colleagues, the Chair of the Policies, Children and Families Scrutiny Panel of Somerset County Council, Labour Councillor Leigh Redman, has issued this statement via The Leveller.

Councillor Redman's sudden spurt of activity occurred after we asked all councillors on his Committee what they thought of the situation regarding schools re-opening and the passing of the buck by the Council. 

Councillor Redman's Committee are supposed to hold the Conservative-controlled County Council to account on these matters.

In his article, which only really makes predictable Tory-bashing points but offers no alternative, Councillor Redman claims "it's complicated". But it isn't.

Wouldn't you agree that our local councils stood be standing up for us and protecting our children and our health, against a failing Government? If you don't agree, tell us by emailing us.

Instead of protecting you, Somerset County Council is passing the buck from the Government and straight onto schools and parents - and putting children, staff and the public at risk.

Of course, it is a Tory-controlled Council and Tory Government. Why would the Tories put the people first? They don't. And wouldn't.

As independently-minded people across England know, the Westminster parties always put their party before the people that they are supposed to represent. The people that they are supposed to protect.

You would have thought that a Committee run by a Labour Councillor would fight against the Tories. But he isn't. Instead, with this mild sort of criticism that does not suggest an alternative, Councillor Redman is preserving his place as a paid Chair (he gets an allowance for being the Chair) of a Committee that is superfluous and achieves nothing.

During a National Emergency, the version of "Scrutiny" that he is presiding over is only meeting once every two months - hardly the action of a group of councillors that want to represent you, is it?

We contacted them urgently a few days ago. Not a single councillor on that Committee has replied - hardly on the ball, are they?

At Somerset Independents, we say what everyone in England knows - Labour or Tory, same old story.

Email us at somerinds[at]gmail.com and tell us what you think about the schools re-opening.


UPDATE (23rd May 2020): Somerset County Council yesterday issued an update here

It appears that they are not taking responsibility and it confirms what we said - that they are not ready. 

Instead, they are passing the buck onto individual schools, which will lead to inconsistency and confusion.

Do you think this is right?

Why won't they stand up for Somerset people against the Government?

This is our health they are failing to protect!

Tell us what you think by emailing us at somerinds[at]gmail.com.


Like most headlines that ask a question. The answer is a firm NO!

Somerset Independents believes that schools in Somerset should NOT be opened on 1st June. It would put Somerset's children, school teachers and staff, and the public in general, of further risk of infection, and increase the likelihood of a second spike in infections and deaths.

But don't just take our word for it. Our view is supported today by the "Independent SAGE" group set up in response to the Government's "scientific" but secretive SAGE advisory group.

And in an ITV poll of parents, more than half have said that they will not send their children back. Who can blame them?

We've asked Somerset County Council, who are the local authority responsible for education in Somerset, 5 questions on the Coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis and its impact in Somerset.

Our questions were sent to them on Wednesday 6th May 2020, intending for them to be asked at the Children and Families Scrutiny Panel. The answers were finally given to us on Friday 22nd May, after a good deal of chasing.

What do you think of the Council's answers? Email us at somerinds[at]gmail.com to let us know.

You may draw the conclusion from their answers that Somerset County Council are not ready. Are you?

And the advice published on the Council's website has not changed for some time. See the link here.

If you think there are further questions that need to be answered, get in touch at the email above.

Somerset Independents listens and acts for Somerset residents. We don't trust the Westminster parties to act for you.

Questions from Somerset Independents and Answers from Somerset County Council

Q1. Deaths of adults can lead to fostering and adoption. What is your view, and why, of the accuracy of Government figures on the number of deaths of people in Somerset in (a) hospitals (b) care homes (c) at home

As a general comment, all official figures go through multiple stages of checking which is partly why there is understandable a slight delay in them. The different government sources of information however usually differ in which deaths they cover and how quickly the data becomes available. Some will cover people who die in Somerset wherever they usually live, some Somerset residents who die in Somerset and some Somerset residents who die elsewhere in the UK. Some are based on the date of death and some on the date the death is reported. For example, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) data, which is probably the most widely used, covers deaths of Somerset residents in the UK. The numbers of deaths published can only be based on registrations reported at the time of data capture. The number registrations will increase slightly over time due as late registrations are recorded, this is an inevitable aspect of the registration process and not to be considered an inaccuracy.

Given all these caveats, the ONS figures are usually a slight underestimation and for the most recent week published probably represent about 85% of the true number of deaths. This figure is based on usual patterns on delays between date of death and date of death registrations. ONS are adjusting past weeks data on death occurrences when further registrations come in so weeks further back will be more complete.

A useful explanation of the differences between the various sources of data on deaths is given here and may explain why different sources give slightly different figures. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19bylocalareasanddeprivation/deathsoccurringbetween1marchand17april

This explains more background on registrations and also the data checking processes. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/methodologies/userguidetomortalitystatisticsjuly2017

Q2. What impact on the number of children requiring (a) fostering and (b) adoption has the National Emergency had in Somerset?

The impact on children coming into care in Somerset has so far been minimal with families being supported by social workers and other professionals in their own communities. The number of referrals to children’s social care has reduced compared to the same period last year, in common with many other services across the country. It is anticipated nationally that referrals to children’s social care departments will rise as lockdown eases. This may impact on the number of children requiring fostering or adoption placements but is as yet unknown.

Q3. According to Reuters News Agency, there have been reports of symptoms of Covid-19 or similar symptoms affecting children. Has this affected Somerset and what are the numbers of infections here?

We are aware of children (under 18) who have tested positive for COVID locally, we do receive details of their symptoms. We do not currently have official published data on confirmed cases split by age groups at Somerset level.

Q4. If schools are re-opened, what impact will this have in Somerset on infection rates of children and adults, and will it negatively affect the "fragile" (in the report) supply chain of PPE to the public and health workers?

The Government are proposing a phased return to school for some children starting on the 1st June. This will only happen if the Government are assured that the infection rate has reduced sufficiently and that testing and contact tracing processes are in place. In Somerset, the public health team are working closely with colleagues in education services and Public Health England to ensure schools are adequately prepared and have access to all the available information and support required for expansion of services.

The guidance issued on the 11th May supporting the wider opening of schools from the 1st June indicates that the majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others. PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases; for those children who care routinely uses PPE and if children become symptomatic at school and needs direct personal care until they can return home. The focus is on hand washing with soap and water or hand sanitiser more often than usual, cleaning frequently touched surfaces with detergent and bleach, “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it” messages and minimising contact and mixing within the school as the infection prevention and control messages.

Q5. In your view, has the testing in Somerset been adequate to prevent the spread of the disease, and the deaths of the public and health workers?

At the time of writing (19.5.20) Somerset Health & Care system have put in place mechanisms to ensure health and care staff testing were prioritised. This was established from the beginning of April for health staff and expanded to include care staff shortly afterwards, this was initially through 4 staff testing sites (Taunton college and Shepton Mallet, Bridgwater and Yeovil hospitals) and used local laboratories to process results, which were received back usually within 48 hours. 1861 staff were tested via this route up to 10th May, 350 of these were care home workers.

The regional testing sites were established at Bristol and Exeter and we built a local process to support staff to access these, utilising staff from across Somerset County Council (SCC) and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to staff this local co-ordinating centre and support symptomatic key workers or household members to get tested to ensure we could preserve essential services by getting people back to work if tests were negative and people were well enough.

We have worked as part of the Local Resilience Forum testing cell. SCC Public Health jointly chairs this and we have secured a second visit from a mobile testing unit, delivered by military staff, this will be in situ between 13th and 21st May – there are 9 of these units (8 operational at any one point in time) for the whole of the south west. This improves access to ‘pillar 2 testing’ for those over 65 years, those who cannot work at home that need a test to enable them to get back to work and all essential workers e.g funeral directors, waste staff, police, fire,

The care home portal has also been launched and we are supporting our Somerset providers to access this for their staff and residents. There will be 300 homes per day covered nationally by this offer

Nationally, the Government are increasing availability of testing however it is important to appreciate that testing alone does not prevent the spread of the disease, many people are infectious before they are symptomatic, and a great many people are infectious without any symptoms. The key to preventing spread, is to maintain good hygiene, the appropriate use of PPE and, where possible, physical distancing, we all can help prevent the spread of disease, by the small actions we take every day.

* https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-children-idUSKCN22A0XW